Discover the ultimate shopping advantage on Hubventory!

Elevate your brand's appeal and profitability by offering an exclusive Hub member discount that captivates customers and enhances your presence on our wholesale platform. 

  • Special Badge: Shoppers  will see the distinctive Hub Member Discount badge on your products as a sign of incredible deals and quality.

  • Premium Placement: Brands with Hub Member Discounts take the spotlight in highlighted collections across Hubventory.  Collections help connect buyers with trending products and top brands. 

  • Members-Only Access: Hub Members Discounts are an exclusive perk for retailers who are part of the Boutique Hub community. Members simply link their Boutique Hub account with Hubventory, and they can access Hub Member Discounts instantly. No need to use a code or special link. 

For the Hub Member Discount to appear on your products, offer a minimum discount of five percent on all items. 

Setting Up Your Hub Member Discount is a breeze:

To watch a video tutorial,  just click here.

  1. Begin by clicking on "Products" and then "Discounts" on the dashboard.

  2. On the discounts page, select "Add a new discount."
  3. Input your unique discount code and make sure to choose "Percent."

  4. Specify the percentage discount you wish to offer

  5. Choose between unlimited or limited uses. Opting for "Limited" deactivates the discount after a predetermined number of uses.

  6. Choose a starting date. Optionally, you can set an expiration date for the discount if needed.
  7. Please note, to earn the coveted Hub Member Discount badge, ensure the discount applies to all products by selecting "Apply discount to all products."
  8. Lastly, tick the box that says "Only for members of the Boutique Hub." This guarantees automatic application of the discount to eligible Boutique Hub retailers.
  9. Once everything is configured, click "Save." Look out for the confirmation message at the top of the page: "Discount successfully created."
  10. To see how the discount appears on your live profile, go to "My Profile" and then "My Live Profile." You'll spot the Hub member discount badge proudly displayed.

Congratulations! You've just set up your Hub Member Discount. Keep an eye out for more helpful tips from the Hubventory team.

Visit All About Discounts to discover more options for setting up discounts.