Here’s how to edit your products. To go there, click on Products > All Products > Click on any product you want to edit. The first tab you’ll encounter is the “Details” tab. Inside this tab are the following:
1. Title: The name of your products to be seen live.
2. Description: Here is where you can input a brief description of your product/s.
3. Category: To enhance the searchability of your products, ensure that they are assigned to specific categories. Choose the category that closely aligns with your product for better search results. You can refer to Hubventory's official template for a list of accepted categories under "Valid Options." To download the updated template, go to your Profile > Products > Import from CSV and locate the "Download Updated Template" option.
4. Visibility: You can set the visibility of your product by choosing one of these options.
Draft: Your products can be uploaded successfully but will not be visible to the public.
Published: Once you are sure about your products going live, you may use this option.
Scheduled: If you’re not ready to get your product/s go live yet and have a specific date in mind for when to do so, set your schedule here for when your products will go live.
Needed but not required
1. Keywords: This helps with the search optimization of your product/s. Aside from the name of the product itself, you can use other words to locate your products easily.
2. Fit: This refers to who will be fit to use or wear the product/s you are selling.
3. Season: You may choose any season of your choice for which your products/items fit.
4. Material: This refers to what material your items are made from.
5. Dimension: Refers to the dimension of your product.
6. Country of Origin: Refers to the country where your product originated.
How to Mark Your Items Sold-Out on a Variant Level.
In some cases, one of our product variants sold-out faster than the other variants. To automatically track them, you may follow these steps.
1. Go to your Profile > Products > and click on the item you need to track.
2. Click on the Variants Tab and check the box for “Track Inventory.”
Since track inventory is checked, the inventory level must be filled-in and click on the save button.
Whenever your inventory is low and can't support the case quantity being set, the variant with low inventory will be strikethrough and the buyer will not be able to place an order for that variant.
This is how it looks once the inventory level reaches zero.