Hubventory created  THREE ways to seamlessly and efficiently reach out to your retailers.

Hubventory Messaging Menu:

Easily accessible on your Dashboard, the Hubventory Messaging Menu allows you to connect with your retailers in real-time. Stay in touch, address queries, and ensure smooth communication with ease. Here's the link:

Here’s how:

  • Access your dashboard and click on the "Messages" option located on the left side.
  • Select the name of the retailer to whom you want to send a message.

Click here for short tutorial video.

Orders Tab:

The Orders Tab enables direct communication with retailers about their orders. Keep them informed on order statuses, track shipments, and promptly handle any inquiries. Happy retailers mean increased sales for your brand.

Here’s how:

  • On your dashboard, click the "Orders" tab located on the left side.
  • Select the order number of the retailer you want to message.
  • You will be redirected to the order details page. Click on the "Send A Message" button located in the "Ordered by" section.

Click here for short tutorial video.

Followers Tab:

Nurture your brand's loyal advocates! The Followers Tab is the ultimate solution to engage with retailers who follow your brand. Share exclusive updates, sneak peeks, and special offers, fostering a community of actively engaged retailers who passionately promote and sell your products. (

Here's how:

  • Access your dashboard and click on the "Customers" tab located on the left side.
  • Next, select the "Followers" tab.
  • You will be directed to the list of your followers. Click on "Send Message" for the follower you wish to reach out to.

Click here for short tutorial video.